Dec 2, 2005

a question past midnight, and its answer.

why does one prefer to live in a foreign land?

because he can be at ease with himself there.

thus he feels home.


Anonymous said...

Home is where your heart is, isn't it ? And what's the story behind these 'home'sickness ? Are you asked to return to INS ?

Anonymous said...

Do SWOT analysis first! Mana yg lebih menguntungkan foreign/home land

Anonymous said...

Yang gampang2 aja lah...
Bikin perhitungan cost-benefit analysis dulu, trus liat mendingan stay atau hijrah.

Kalau buat jangka panjang bisa pake hitungan net present value aja yang gampang.

Financial analyst nih yeee

Papigiulio said...

the neighbours grass is always greener :)

budibadabadu said...

kalo kata Macaulay Culkin di Home Alone (1990) sih, "This is my house, I have to defend it."

Rika, Mamanya Naufal said...

home is where you can have all the fun[d]..

Salam kenal.. i bet you are a wonderful person, just like my baby.. :D

Anonymous said...

mungkin memang bener ya pepatah lama yang bilang:

"Walaupun hujan batu di negeri sendiri,
Lebih baik hujan emas di negeri orang"

dodY said...

mo di foerign land atau ujung dunia sekalipun... namanya mencari nafkah dan penghidupan tidak harus terhadang oleh batasan politis maupun budaya....

maju terus, val. wherever u are (will be)

famousfeline said...

when I was in France, I didn't feel as liberated as I had expected. Everyone looked at me like I was a freak (okay, so I probably am.. or was, but then again, it's EUROPE! Oh, wait, isn't France a racist country?)

Anywho, it was so uncomfy (probably also because my French was way below average). But anyway, I'm glad I came home safely.

Maybe it's not the same with you, since obviously you've spent a long time in Singapore where you don't really look that different (Caucasian vs. Mongoloid?)

I hope you'll enjoy your life here in Jakarta.

BTW, anonymous's & gatot's comments are sooo ridiculously annoying and idiotic that I feel the need to bitch about them here. So there.

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.