Dec 6, 2005

i know,

... you're not going to be there.

and while i'll be surrounded, you may be even grounded.

to what you've become,

to what you've chosen to become.

you're not gonna witness my failure and my triumph anymore,

because what will be relied are mere words made-up of defiant existence,

and denying your truest sense, instead preferring to get covered up in hideous masks.

you're not gonna miss my stoic presence,

yet i'm gonna miss your antics.

life's about a choice,

allow me to make one, and welcome me with your widest open arms,

for every return, you are more than pleased.

and i'm not gonna be here to tread through the line of static days.

i can see the horizon, though.

but i won't stay longer to witness it.

after all,

i've done my share.

and i dwell on the memories.

i'll cherish the time when half-bbq chicken was our staple,
i'll cherish the time when bruises on hips seemed to be an okay thing to experience,
i'll cherish the time when dreams were sweet enough to hold,

i miss you, my sources of strength.

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.