Apr 30, 2005

SIFFest Journey - Saturday, April 30, 2005

(Siffest will definitely return for its 19th year, and beyond!)

And with Tropical Malady, I heartily close another chapter of the annual film-fest pilgrimage.

Tropical Malady

Surely I wish for a bang to end my journey with, not with a bewilderment and puzzlement over watching a gay-themed flick turning into a fable where real animals do talk like human beings (and couldn't stop thinking how one part of the film is actually going to be a waste).

But then, not every journey is a fulfilling one, or a displeasant one.

It is best to think that once a journey is completed, then we feel rich with another added experience, and like it or not, some knowledge.

Over films.
Over life.
Over people.

And over the fact that ...

I just need to go abroad this time to properly enjoy a film festival!



Anonymous said...

Nggak ada hubungannya sama Siffest sih, tapi mungkin kamu tertarik Cint (atau udah tau?):
Tahun ini, ada 1 film pendek/durasi 9 menit karya Indo yg tembus ke Canes. Judulnya "Kara Anak Sebatang Pohon". Hehehe... blum tau sih filmnya gimana karena baru bakal muncul di gedung 28 around July, tapi tetep aja gue seneng mendengarnya. Bukankah kamu juga?


Nauval Yazid said...

yup! gue dah denger kabar ini, thanks dah klarifikasi. jadi penasaran pengen nonton, tapi Kenny dah duluan pastinya, secara dia sekarang dah ngendon di Cannes!

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.