Mar 24, 2006

Ekspedisi Madewa

If one starts feeling uncomfortable watching actors in a big screen uncomfortably playing their roles in a film, then the film viewed is in a serious trouble.

Add that with the lack of adequate technical supremacy, something considered vital for the execution of the film here, what do we have then?

We have Ekspedisi Madewa.

The reason why it fails to spark the hysteria of Indiana Jones, as clearly the film is modeled on, can be pointed to many elements. Referring to my point earlier, the star-gazing treatment of a supposedly blockbuster film means that the film is determinedly be carried by a star, or two, as the main attraction. Seeing Tora Sudiro in his static expression throughout many action sequences, as if not sure if he believes in the script that asks him to pull a gun or to climb up, leaves us thinking if he actually screams for help to get him out of the film. Worse, the presence of Arie Dagienkz as the sidekick intended to give the film a fresh air from his humor, falls flat as his joke often seems tepid and unfunny, and not a single scene is able to make him established a character on his own.

Another point to sanctify in this film is its failure to present itself as an action adventure film, to the very least point of getting a proper look. The genre, which relies heavily on the existence of good editing, both in visual and sound department, seems to neglect the crucial technical qualities here. Some unthinkable fatal mistakes, as apparent in shooting the film in a digital camera then blowing it to the big screen, only make us wondering if the experiment of making the film is really disheartening.

Perhaps, the expedition on the subject needs to turn the direction to expedite a proper filmmaking that serves any intended genre, without leaving its audience in unintended confusion.


dodY said...

duh... baru pertama denger film ini aja udah ngga minat :-(

Nauval Yazid said...

there's nothing wrong w/ the title, it just ... bombs! :D

Anonymous said...

To add to your indepth 'analysis' above,

I have an insider info on the film (Ekspedisi Madewa).

It was shot with 2 (two) 16mm Cameras, using 150 cans of 16mm film reels.

The Director was a small tv commercial & videoclips director before he directed this film, with no prior BIG SCREEN movies experinces. Two short films credit under his belt.

The Sound Effects was done in Hong Kong by a facility that was responsible for the Sound FX in the films CROUCHING TIGER HIDDEN DRAGON & KUNGFU HUSTLE.

The Special FX was done entirely in Jakarta by Indonesians, in 2 different Post-Production house.

The film was written NOT just by the writer credited alone. The Director apperently had plenty of 'redirections' in the screenplay.

The writer is a conceptor and was a co-creator of a TV infotainment show.

He also wrote the comic book that inspired this film, titled PETUALANGAN TIRO MANDAWA: HARTA KARUN CANDI KUGIS. A story he claimed "100% his own".

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.