Nov 20, 2005

Kiki's Delivery Service

I remember when I was a kid, I made sure that I got up early in the morning on Sundays, so as not to miss my favorite cartoon series. From Unyil, to Dash Yonkuro, to everlasting Doraemon, and the short-lived Asari-Chan, although this came out on Saturdays during the time when I had just started studying here.
Somehow there was this inexplicable nature of seeing a cartoon on Sunday morning, it could be the feeling of a holiday that results in a jolly feeling during and after watching the cartoons, knowing that my 1-2 hour sitting in front of a television was not a waste, and I found myself recharged with energy to do any activities afterwards.

I could not be more glad to revisit the worth taking experience again earlier this morning, when I decided to watch Kiki’s Delivery Service, one of Hayao Miyazaki’s stellar works that made him a living legend.

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Such a praise never seems overrated though, for Miyazaki has been known for his heartfelt storyline without being weepy, and Kiki is no exception on this department. But if you look for otherworldly fantasy with larger-than-life characters, you are bound to disappoint.

This is what I was surprised at. Having been familiar with his works such as “Spirited Away” or “Princess Mononoke”, I expected some monsters to eat Kiki alive or turned her parents into pigs. Yet, Kiki’s greatest enemy, if only there’s any literally, is a group of crows who still act and behave like, appropriately, crows themselves. The only exception perhaps Jiji, her talking cat, but then, aren’t all the commonly-perceived witches equipped with one?

There you go, even without defying convention by twisting Kiki into some complicated or complex characterization, we still get hooked following the story of Kiki, a young witch who at the tender age of 13, must start living independently to sharpen her skill as a witch. The journey never fails to amaze us as Kiki, the witch, turns out to be an ordinary girl who starts getting a grip of her life while seeking for her truest identity.

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Feminists who complain how recent films seem to deter from portraying good female characters might find solace on the film, as such a rarity to find any films, be them animated or not, to have a strong character of woman carry the whole film throughout. It is definitely another Miyazaki’s element which has been persistently reserved in most of his works, and knowing that the film was made in 1989, anti-Hollywood film critics may quick to point out that the film is ahead of its time.

Children will love having Kiki as their sister or friend, or simply daydreaming to be one, to be able flying around with a broom and a talking animal as their faithful companion, thus starting to get the film’s merchandise, and thankfully, it was given a lesser treatment in business-minded Disney, despite handling the film’s international distribution.

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For me, I simply have a good time watching Kiki’s journey to be able to know what she wants to do with her life, how to live on her own terms, and be responsible for it. Too much? I don’t complain on having my Sunday ruined, right?! ;)


Anonymous said...

Aaaah ... I saw that film several times and I do like it, the way a child like it, I guess ... And who dare to say that your Sunday was ruined ?
By the way, I do have a nice new air in my kind of civilization, Val ... I decided to make peace with myself. And I did ... :-)

Nita said...

I love Hayo Miyazaki's work. You're blog makes me wanna watch kiki ;_;

Man... I miss that film.


Unknown said...

aku lagi koleksi komik2nya miyazaki...tapi Kiki ini belum aku masukin ke list :D
entah napa lihat judulnya kok rada beda dgn yg komik miyazaki yg lain

tapi aku mau cari ah...dari ceritamu, kayaknya bagus juga utk dikoleksi.

Unknown said...

nopal, itu produksinya studio ghibli juga kan? ... *sambil siap-siap hunting di ambassador*

Anonymous said...

i love hayao miyazaki!! my fav is laputa, the castle in the sky & my neighbor tototo :)
jadi inget gue dulu bela2in ke singapur buat nonton hayao miyazaki yg baru di bioskop! soalnya ga maen di indonesia. hehehe, yg paling baru judulnya howl's moving castle :)

Sunny said...

aaaah, another Hayao Miyazaki's movies. Mau cari ah di Glodoookkk, hahaha. Thanks Val, for the reccomendation.

guario said...

spirited sama princess gue kemana ya??? bete, padahal belom gue tonton, hihihi... eh udah ada yang baru:D.

Anonymous said...


kalo aku mending Hasegawa's Sazae-san aja deh :)

Anonymous said...

Sebulan lalu, gw lihat "spirited away"nya Miyazaki mulai diputer di TV national di sini. Seneng juga sih film2 jepang mulai masuk ke Romania. Mereka nih garing bow..langganan kabel buat liat cartoon network pun percuma, semua di alih bahasain...*sobbed* kalo sebelum nonton film pasti buka blog elu dulu loh...buat cari referensi hehehe.

Papigiulio said...

kiki's delivery service is indeed a wonderfull movie of the huge miyasaki collection. If you haven't seen castle of laputa and howl's moving castle, I urge youto do it as those are also two wonderfull pieces of art with a wonderfull story. Ah and off course Lupin: Castle of cagliostro.


Nauval Yazid said...

glad to hear you're in one full piece with yourself :)
the film indeed brings out the kid in us, somehow.

it's a film worth revisiting, so why not, watching it over and over again? :)

Nauval Yazid said...

waaahhhh! ada komiknya yah?! mau dong, kalo ada terjemahan bahasa inggris nya, hehehehehe ...

yup! bener banget! dan ntar ada nama studio ini numpang lewat jadi cameo gitu ceritanya (ga penting banget emang! :D)

Nauval Yazid said...

ini baru namanya filmgoer sejati, bela2in ke luar negeri cuman nonton satu film! hehehehehe ...
howl's moving castle masih ngendon setia di rak, belum sempet ditonton :p

a girl,
you're very welcome, and once you get a hold of it, do let me know on your review :)

Nauval Yazid said...

ini justru lebih lama dari spirited, tapi kalo ngeliat dari gambarnya yang beda banget, justru keliatan baruan ini bo :)

ngga ngertiiiii :p

ully anita,
makasih dah mampir, walopun ga semua film di review disini, ga cukup kuat ngetiknya, hehehehehe ...
wah, pengen denger kartun2 jepang itu di-dub pake bahasa romania, apa aneh kaya di tipi kita ya?

Nauval Yazid said...

now everyone seems to be talking about lupin! looks like it's gonna be one of the main targets of my next dvd time.
and i can't agree more on miyazaki's genius in depicting characters that often look like they're larger than life, yet their traits are basically what we are facing on our daily lives, and that's why those characters ring true to us.

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.