Aug 19, 2005

lil', happy birthday :)

It truly feels like yesterday,
And definitely not 17 years ago.

When I was happily seated next to this driver,
And your sister and your late grandmother was seated behind ...


How your grandmother never put down her holy book, uttered every single prayer,
While your brother?
Let's just say that he was too excited of getting a new companion soon :)

It was Saturday, I remember vividly.
Just like lovebirds who always wish for sunshine throughout the day,
I opened the window and I could feel the wind of August heat.

And we stopped at a bakery,
Somehow your sis and I could convince grandma to buy dozens of bread for your mum.
Innocently, we ended up indulging in those cakes since Mum was not allowed to.

Then not even waiting for the car to park,
I rushed down to the lobby

9.30 am

Your dad was on his way to greet us
And I was asking him out loud,
“Pa! Gimana?!”

I was only 9 years old at that time, yet believe me, that day was one of the few moments in your dad's life where I could see sparkle in his eyes, cheerfully said:
“It's a girl”.

Fifteen minutes earlier, you had seen the world for the first time.

We rushed inside, hurried down to see your Mum.
A bright smile on her face, not even a glimpse of pain she had had to endure earlier.

And it's you.
In a small box.
Along with others.
Yet, you responded from afar.

Grueling days of choosing one single name for you,
(remember how your elder sis insisted giving your name 'jasmine'?)
Many tiring nights of taking care of you,
Preventing you from falling down or kept hitting the wall with your small head,

Being labeled as 'that Japanese baby who never smile' , or simply 'that little Ulil',

You remain as cute as you already are,
You remain as stubborn as you always are,
You remain as one little sister I am always proud of.

So, we may have never been living together ever since you were 6 years old.

I may have not witnessed your growing-up stages,
From one tomboy yet adorable kid,
To become a girl in her full blossom.

But I'm sure what you have become,
One who never fails to learn from her mistakes,
And one who loves her beloved ones.

A sweet greet of Happy 17th birthday indeed for you :)


Sunny said...

wah ada yang sweet seventeen-an. selamat ulang tahun dari jauh buat adeknya nauval...

dodY said...

heuheue.... ngga kerasa yah! si kecil tukang teriak-teriak dah 17 tahun! selamat ultah deh :-)

Anonymous said...

Selamat tujuh belas tahun yang manis ya buat adiknya Nauval!! :)

Unknown said...

duuh...17 tahun :) met ultah dan salam manis ya buat adikmu..
dari seorang leo juga :)

Anonymous said...

Waaa adik gua cuma beda setahun-setahun, asik jadi temen berantem aja, he3x..

Happy sweet seventeen buat adikmu yaa :)

ben said...

sweet seventeen.........
met ultah ya 'diknya mpal :)

Nauval Yazid said...

A girl,
mbak Ria,
bang Ben,

makasih semuanya ya, salam dari adek gue yang ngga nge-blog. hari ini ada syukuran kecil2 an di rumah katanya, ngundang temen2 sma nya :) jadi ngiri, soalnya kakaknya yang ini ga pernah dirayain ultha 17-nya, heheheheheh ... :p

Anonymous said...

Kayaknya lebih baik ditranslate ke indo, trus dikasihin langsung ke anaknya, biar rada nyadar dikit, she's 17 now. Salam buat temennya nopal

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.