Oct 6, 2005


when you say, "God knows i'm trying",
does he know?

when you say, "God knows i've been crying",
does he see?

when you say, "God knows i was lying",
has he been aware of that?

or has he perceived whatever you have shown?

God only knows,
but he doesn't.


Anonymous said...

Bicara soal Tuhan,
gue slalu suka bertanya-tanya...
"Kantor Tuhan di mana ya?"
kalau saja kita bisa 'main2' ke sana... sekedar bertanya, atau bercerita?

Nauval Yazid said...

curhat aja, ga perlu ketemu langsung, kalo gue sih ga siap ketemu langsung yah, jadi lewat omongan aja.

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.