Jan 11, 2005

The One.


I can't help naming the title of my posting here with such a majestic, grandeur, honorable, magnificent degree, for suddenly all I could think of was ... Jet Li!

"The One", one of all those mishaps B-grade action flicks Jet Li made in Hollywood, made to Numero Uno in the box-office chart when it was released on its first week, and like any other films aiming at milking money, it fell horribly down by the following weeks. Hollywood. And its arrogance in shamelessly exploiting Asian thespians without knowing how to properly generate their truest talent.

This was not supposed to be a posting about films though, but then again my dear readers, kindly bear with my ultimate indulgence here, because later on you'll find out the correlation of my liking and the title I put here. (Where's Rio whenever I need his guidance on writing a story properly?)

Yeap, I need a guidance here.

For once, words have begun to diminish whenever they are needed to pay back someone's gratious effort, because they may have been overused.

For once, an air of disbelief relief has filled my lung over the weekend.

For once, finally, I can say :



Those cynical, smirking smiles of you all my dearie friends, this hopeless romantic has finally found his ultimate wishlist.

"Gile, pacaran juga elo akhirnya!"

-- Heh? Pacaran? Masih jaman yah, pacaran? Yang ini lebih dari itu!

"Are you sure, kalo dia bakal stay on?"

-- Pentingkah? Guaranteed kalo selalu ada dia koq di tiap ulang taun gue!

"Ntar putus, elo mellow lagi"
-- Eh! Ini ga pacaran, ga putus, ga bakal mellow!

"Kecepetan! Ulang taun masih 90 hari lagi!"
-- Biyayin! Justru gue mo pengumuman sekarang biar semuanya pada nurutin


Hohohohoho! Finally! Wenny, Copper, you are not the only ones yang secara najesh bin naujubilah ngirimin birthday BBQ party pake wishlist, nih liat, 3 bulan in advance gue dah pasang, gara-gara bosen juga tiap bulan terima kartu yang:

"Nauval, sorry ngga bisa menuhin ultimate wishlist elo yang pengen dapet pacar pas ulang taun, moga-moga gantungan kunci ini bisa menghibur"


"Dear, jangan sedih ya, here's a book on How To Surviving a Break-Up sebagai pengganti ga ada pacar pas ulang taun"

So, let's start the ball rolling!

Mini iPod? Creative Zen? iBook?



Cay said...

Ikut terharu dan senang untuk seorang teman... *mengelap air mata dengan keset*

dodY said...

btw.. val...

gw tinggal menghitung jam niiyy....

seperempat abad.... busyet... hehehe

Anonymous said...

Apa inih?!!? kok gue ngga tau apa2?! apa gue mo jadi yg terakhir2 lagih dikasih tau? *appear tersungging* -IU-

Nauval Yazid said...

ikut tersedu sedan melihat si keset basah ...

welcome to the club!

huh! Pelita Hati deh kamu! :D

Anonymous said...

lo tuh ya, dari film jet li sampe ngaku udah punya whatever you have, sampe ngarep ibook segala. dan gue pagi ini dengan dibikin sirik waktu beli kopi di starbak setia budi sebelom ngantor dan ada anak kuliahan yang dengan santainya lagi ngoprek2in ibooknya. kan gue mau, kan gue pengen, ih... tuh ibook bener2 menggoda naluri klepto gue deh, hehe...

jadi sapa sih nih yang akan selalu ada pas ultah lo;)? kasih tahu dooong;).

Nauval Yazid said...

aduh tolong yah! Walopun elo ga sempet ninggalin nama, tapi gaya komentar elo + kelakuaaaaannnn emang ga ada yang bisa ngalahin, mo klepto pake pasang pengumuman dulu yeee :P

siapa yang ngerayain ultah bareng gue? banyak kali yaaaaa, liat aja di kelurahan terdekat! :D

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.