Jul 26, 2006

oooohhh, this is really interesting.

and if you think that the most interesting part stops at the title above, you're right. stop looking at the entry below. i mean it.

oh well. i should've known that you're easily tempted.

ok, here goes:

Four jobs I've had:
1. A clown.
2. A waiter.
3. A tour-guide.
4. A salesman.

Four movies I could watch over and over:
1. Same Time, Next Year.
2. Before Sunset.
3. 84 Charing Cross Road.
4. His Girl Friday.
5. Radio Days.
6. Music Box.
7. Kejarlah Daku Kau Kutangkap.
8. Hiroshima, Mon Armour.
9. Scenes From A Marriage.
(i'm sorry, i can't resist.)

Four places I have lived in:
1. Malang.
2. Solo.
3. Singapore.
4. Jakarta.

Four TV shows I love or loved:
1. Inside The Actor's Studio.
2. Asari-Chan.
3. Losmen.
4. Lenong Rumpi.

Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Bangkok.
2. Bali.
3. Bandung.
4. Bandar Seri Begawan.(don't laugh. ok, you may now.)

Four favorite dishes:
1. Rujak Cingur. (any souls out there care to translate?)
2. Nasi Pecel. (gosh, this is getting difficult!)
3. Gado-gado. (look, "mixed vegetables" won't do any justice!)
4. Chicken Satay. (finally! whew!)

Four websites I visit daily :
1. This.
2. That.
3. My Holy Grail.
4. My Precious.

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Holland V..
2. Fong Seng.
3. Spize.
4. Esplanade Library.

Four bloggers I'm tagging:
1. Dody. (he responds.)
2. Avin. (he replies.)
3. Ite'. (she's a wannabe.)
4. Anoe. (she's a waitress.)

Well, technically she was, but psychologically, she is. Sort of.

And I thank this beautiful blog ... ger for such an inspiring relief to my heavily sedated mental state at the time of posting.

Oh, I see two elephants now.


Anonymous said...

Ah, it's interesting to know that you once used to be a .... CLOWN ???
Isn't it fun to be one?

Anonymous said...

Silverlines: you might want to check the photo on his Blogger profile, he was born to be one!

*just kidding, kabur dulu sebelum dijitak Nauval* :D :D

Nauval Yazid said...

the funniest part is not about being a clown, but getting the most handsome fee i ever got during my holiday-job history! hehehe :D

before u hit me, blame it to one particular Chinese-language TV channel during its promotion heydays! :P

Avin said...

Wait! The elephants, are they pink and translucent? Gosh, dude.. you're SO drunk.. :p

dodY said...

halah.... iki kok nganggo pasang jenengku barang ki ono opo tho? arep'e nebeng ben tambah terkenal ngono yo? mbok menowo gawe periode ngarep koen iso mlebu top 100 blogger indonesia versi priyadi.net!

ngga cuma terkenal gara2 tulisan masuk jakarta post ehh terkenal di dunia maya pula! salit tenan gawe kowe, pal! *halah* hidup paklik nopal... salam mitreka selalu :-)

kalo soal those funny facts about dirimu aku ngga kaget lah :-p tapi yg disayangkan: kenapa fakta-fakta nista yang lebih nista dr apa yg dituliskan di sini tidak kau ungkap kan, pal? takut popularitasmu terganggu yah? hehehe *kabuuur*

dodY; he responds *halah.... terharu aku* :-))

CIAO ITALIA! said...

bandar seri begawan is world renowned for having luxury resort for clowns???


budibadabadu said...

pernah tinggal di Solo juga? sama dong... oh yeah, sepakat, Hiroshima mon amour wajib banget. Duras nya keren, Resnais nya keren.

iTe said...

How dare you to call me a wannabe! Cuih cis cis... I will be you noh!! =P

Nauval Yazid said...

the elephants resemble nothing like dumbo. so .. yeah, dude! :D

ngomong opo thoooo?

the city desperately needs a clown like me to spice up that dreadful, deserted space!

Nauval Yazid said...

a maestro never does wrong.

a wannabe is a wannabe. other than that, wallahualam.

famousfeline said...

You used to be a clown? As in a proffesional Krusty-The-Clown-ish clown? Darling, you know that you can find all the four dishes you like in SATOO? *doing promotions as ever*

Sorry for not keeping in contact for a long time. It's been a hellish ride.

Cay said...

Menarik sekali mengetahui bahwa keempat pilihan untuk "Places you would rather be right now"-nya adalah tempat-tempat yang dirimu tidak lagi berada di sekitarnya... ;)

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.