Jun 21, 2006

What's A Marriage To You?

from a conversation with two women in their mid-20's who soon are going to attend another friend's lavish wedding, and all of them happen to be my dear darling friends, it is decided that:

a marriage is a state of mind.

regardless your age, your mind-blowing independence, your financial security, or your maniacal family intrusion, you'll never be able to force a marriage into you, unless your mind says "i do."


peer pressure? now that's something.

what's your take?


Papigiulio said...

Marriage is overrated. I hate weddings and funerals so.....No wedding for me anytime soon......Nor kids....nor a girlfriend.....na screw that last one... :P

mutiara nauli pohan said...

klo aku bismillah aja val
mohon doanya yah :)

Nauval Yazid said...

here's the thing. you don't need a girlfriend or a lover to get married. how's that? :)


and what have we done, spending a lifetime finding our other half only to spend a limited time? :)

dodY said...

pernikahan bukanlah suatu prestasi yang mesti dikejar! seperti kata ayu utami:

menikah itu baik...... untuk orang lain :-)

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.