Feb 14, 2006

what's killing you?

what has killed me for the past few days turns out ...

that it's not the diarrhoea which forced me to take 3-day bedrest (and not to mention i am not fully recovered yet at the time of writing),

and that it's not about the amazingly fast internet connection, only to be in the same par as how turtles walk and enjoy their time (oh, it annoys me all the time! someone should minister the use of internet in this country!),

but what bugs me the most is ...

i'm having too much infotainment in me!

gosh, holding your tummy while religiously following the breakup of dea mirella and her hubby certainly will not do any good to your mental health.

now, that's what i call a complete murder.


Anonymous said...

apa lagi musim diare kali ya...soalnya ada temanku juga lagi ngeluh mules2 krn diare:)

met istirahat aja..sambil nonton infotainment..:D

Anonymous said...

Soon you'll be an infotainment programme reviewer, while *hopefully* continue being a movie reviewer ...
Please don't change your interest, please ... hehehe

Sunny said...

Hey, have they really divorced now? I thought they've just separate or having marriage problem whichsoever.

And hey Val, what's your opinion about their marriage issue? I thought it won't be necessary to...

LOL. u can smack me now. Wewewewew =))

Btw, Val, bikin account di multiply yuuuuk

dodY said...

hehehehe.... mending lah, val! daripada loe yg masuk infotainment gituh! hahaha :-))

jadi selebritis ngga selamanya enak! pa lagi... di dunia nyata dan maya sama2 terus2an diomongin orang! huh... sebel! lho.. ini komen kok sama skali ngga nyambung blas ngene toh? hauhaua :-))

Nauval Yazid said...

mbak RIA,
is your friend goes with the name of Irvan Inijore? baru semalem ketemu dia abis nonton Teater Koma, ternyata kita senasib sepenanggungan :D

thankfully, i'm now free from the hideous traps! :)

my opinion is not on their or whoever's marriage issue, but rather to put the guns on those infotainment programs and ask the hosts to ask the audience to switch off the TV! :P
and i'm so done w/ multiply, none of the site's features interest me.

look who's talking! :))

Anonymous said...

setiap orang perlu se-dosis infotainment.

yg kiki fatmala gmn skrg?

nana said...

Yaolooo... diare ya bo? Gak usah minum obat aneh2 ya, cukup dijaga biar gak dehidrasi, trus teuteup makan yang banyak!
Sayah rikues dong.. Tulung diripiu itu inpotenmen, biar gw bisa pilih mana yg cucok sama mood gw :P

Anonymous said...

Jadi gimana akhirnya Pal? Dea jadi cerai gak? :D
Apa pengacaranya juga make ibu kita Elza Syarif? :D laris banget ibu ini. Kayaknya dia deh yang jadi bintang infotainment :D

Anonymous said...

By the way, heard that drinking whiskey will heal diarrhea. And it's pure whiskey, not whiskey cola or something hehe
But then again, if you don't "drink", won't be a useful advice :P

Anonymous said...

i know, spending too much time in front of indonesian tv is killing.

Anonymous said...

Untung di rumah chanel tv cuma Metro tv ! well seringnya ke tangga sih nonton GOSIP *teteuppp*


mutiara nauli pohan said...

semenjak di jkt aku juga sering banget diare, napa yah ???

duhh tersiksa banget

famousfeline said...

I hope you're feeling better.

Diarrhoea's always a shitty matter. No pun intended.

Nauval Yazid said...

do i look like kiki fatmala's PR guy? :D

mari kita bikin berita sendiri! pa kabar tuh berlian? :))

eerrr ... ya begitulah deh, pengacara juga bisa jadi seleb koq :)

i'm up for whiskey cola! :D

Nauval Yazid said...

tell me something i don't know :p

ah, siapa bilang berita nya Metro TV bukan gosip? :D

welcome to the club!

what else if it's not for a shitty matter?

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.