Dec 11, 2005

(un) surprising (un) familiarity

of all the heavily densed populated areas in such a big, crowded, hectic city,

of all the tall skyscraper buildings filled with a number of people passing by,

unknowingly, indifferently, yet pretentiously,

and of all the places to see and to inhabit,

i guess the last person on earth that you want to meet in front of your close friend and a possible landlord is your ex.

add the fact that soon you two will live side by side is, simply, mind challenging.

welcome to the city!


Anonymous said...

Doel, no telponmu di jkt berapa? Aku ngambil bukunya gmn kalo u ngga bisa dihubungi?Piye tooo...

Anonymous said...

It is oh-so-true ! The last thing we want in this world is to meet with our ex in a not-so-well-arranged environment.
Hey, welcome to the city. Not so beautiful city though ..

dodY said...

duuhh... val.... kok kisahmu sama denganku...

piro no telp-mu?

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.