May 8, 2005

some egoism.

what is it like, to see yourself inside other people's being?

when you're supposed to acknowledge their existence, yet your egoism draws you back, only to think of your own being's benefits?

or actually the need to see yourself clearly and truthfully begins to emerge, so much so that it actually needs to be triggered from other people's journey?

how can you be strong when you are required to be so in the first place, rather than start questioning hoop of holes circling around your life?

whoever says that they are never taken aback by other people's misfortune, is it as pure as a lie or a mere coincidence?

or those who shamelessly rips off the good sides of the unfortunate events and apply them to themselves, who are we to judge and to condemn?

where does it go from here? to a long-lasting thoughtful thinking process.

why does it have to happen? to ensure that life still goes on.

and tonight my dear free-spirited one,
your dearly beloved soul may spin your life around.

but tomorrow and the day after,
your angelic strokes,
your twisted moves,
your trembling chords,
they prevail until the end.



Anonymous said...

Egois kadang2 perlu tapi lebih baik dihindari, tapi terkadang sulit....

dodY said...

manusiawi sekali... dari situ lah kita belajar :-)

Nauval Yazid said...

dilematis kan yah? lha wong by nature kita tuh egois, ngeliat apa-apa dari sudut pandang diri sendiri koq, bukannya malah kasian ama orang lain :)

Nauval Yazid said...

amin! kurang lebih komentar gue sama apa yang gue tulis buat Doel diatas :)

Anonymous said...

being john malkovich meets closer?


be selfish for a change. it's alright;).

CaTLio said...

Pal, artinya apa sih? pake bahasa indonesia aja..susah ngertinya pake bahasa inggris..

Nauval Yazid said...

Anonymous yg lupa ninggal nama,
waduh! kalo beneran ada pelem itu, apa ngga sakit jiwa beneran si sutradara ama penulis skenarionya? :D

be selfish for a change?
gimana kalo ternyata baru nyadar bahwa be selfish itu bukan 'a change' at all? ;)

Nauval Yazid said...

wah, gini deh! sekarang elo mau gue nerjemahin 'egois' ini kaya gimana, ntar gue kasih tau elo! :)

Morningdew said...

Selfishness is one of the main substance of humanity. It's just something not a lot of people have the guts to admit about.

Nauval Yazid said...

yet, no matter how we've got to admit that, it still hurts a little to truly acknowledge it :)

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Jakarta, Indonesia
A film festival manager. A writer. An avid moviegoer. An editor. An aspiring culinary fan. A man.